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Space Availability - Study Rooms

JJC Library Study Rooms

study room

JJC Library study rooms are available to current JJC Students. All students must check in at the Circulation Desk upon arrival, even if the study room was booked in advance.


Study Rooms 

JJC Students may reserve a study room as an individual or group with a current JJC ID. Priority will be given to groups during peak times, as determined by library staff, and may not be available for individual use.

Make a reservation below, visit the circulation desk, or call (815) 280-2665. Study rooms can be reserved for up to two hours. A JJC student must be present at all times, and the student booking the room is responsible for group behavior and room clean-up.



Each study room is equipped with a dry-erase board, markers, table and seating for up to 4 students.

Smart study rooms A-2008 through A-2011 are also equipped with a monitor that can connect wirelessly to Windows machines and through HDMI for Macs.

Smart study room A-2103 can accommodate up to eight students and is also equipped with a monitor that can connect and display up to 4 Windows machines at once through VIA Connect, as well as an HDMI connection for Macs.



Failure to meet the below expectations will result in forfeiting study room reservations and/or removal from the library pending the discretion of the Library Department Chairperson or their designee.

  • Comply with the JJC Student Code of Conduct and all library procedures.
  • Food is not allowed in study rooms.
  • The study room must be left in the condition in which is was upon entry.
  • Return all library materials and equipment to the Circulation Desk after use.
  • Maintain a reasonable level of sound.
  • Report any technical or facility issues to Library Staff.
   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable/Padding