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Make an Appointment -
Use the location dropdown to specify where the appointment will take place. Selecting a different location will reload the appointment dates and times that are available to be booked.

Make an appointment in 3 steps. Step 1: Select a staff member. Step 2: Select an available date. Step 3: Select an available timeslot.
***The Library's device loan program of HP laptop inventory has been depleted and Surface Go inventory is minimal. Students who need a device for the semester are asked to check back on Monday mornings. As devices become available, students will see additional appointments available.***

Students MUST be registered for Spring semester to renew or request device.

All device renewals for the Spring semester will be handled in-person at the Joliet Junior College Library. Please bring device to library for renewal. 

Please bring your current JJC ID for renewal and/or device pick-up.


JJC (Joliet Junior College) students must select a device, make an appointment, sign this virtual Device Loan Agreement, and present a physical copy of the current, valid JJC I.D. card to check out a Device/or accessories and component parts from the JJC LIbrary. 

Students must be registered for the current semester to check-out items from the library. 

Library circulation staff, in the presence of the borrowing student, will inspect all components and accessories when the device is borrowed and returned. Devices should never be left unattended or in the care of another person. 

Devices checked out to students for three hours are for on-campus use only. You are responsible for any damage to or loss of the borrowed device.  

Devices will be held for 24 hours after missed appointment. 

Additional information can be found at:

Fees and Time Limits: 

The student borrowing device will be charged between $400 - $1250.00 for damage to, loss of, or theft of a device. The student will be charged for any damage to, loss of, or theft of any accessories (carrying case, bags, instructions, and charging cables/adapters). Replacement or repair cost varies for each component and is solely determined by the Joliet Junior College Library. No third-party repair services are permitted. Any lost or damaged parts to the device will be charged to the student. Replacement or repair cost varies for each component part. Students will be blocked at registration and from borrowing from the library until any fees are resolved. 

Semester Checkouts: 

The due date for all semester device checkouts is the last day of the current semester. The device must be returned to the Circulation desk at least 10 minutes before the library’s closing on the day the device is due. 

Device Use: 

The device computer may access the institutional wireless networks available on-campus. Only software pre-installed by JJC on the device may be used. Users must save files or documents to their own storage (USB flash drive, email, cloud, or drive). The library is not responsible for lost files or documents. USB drives are available for purchase from the bookstore. All devices have Microsoft Office and an Internet Browser installed for your use. The battery life of each device will vary; the library is not responsible for any work lost due to battery failure. A charger is included in the borrowed device bag.  

Library devices do not print directly to the library printers. Use the PaperCut print portal for printing on campus. 

Please see the Circulation desk for additional assistance. 



  • I take full responsibility for the damage to, loss or theft of the device and all components and accessories checked out by me. 

  • I will be charged between $750.00 and $1250.00 if this device is lost or stolen. 

  • I understand that this device must be returned on time on the due date. 

  • I understand that this device may not be returned to library book drops. 

  • I understand that devices are for SCHOOL USE ONLY. 

  • I understand that my device will be held for 24 hours after my missed scheduled appointment.